A Noh Drama about Elvis Presley.
Judy, an Elvis Presley fan, makes a pilgrimage to Graceland on the anniversary of Elvis’s death. During the candlelight vigil, a mysterious man lets her into the Meditation Garden where Elvis is buried. Under the light of the blue moon, she meets the ghost of Elvis.
“Startlingly affecting…radically multi-cultural…utterly different from anything anyone would, in right mind, associate with Elvis. Yet that becomes the brilliant point. Blue Moon Over Memphis miraculously captures Elvis.” —LA Times
“Blue Moon is innovative on several fronts. The score breaks new ground. The libretto experiments with Noh structure in provocative ways.” —Shelley Quinn, Asian Theatre Journal, Spring 2018
“Blue Moon Over Memphis” takes formal, Japanese elements of the Noh play and makes the art form accessible for a non-Japanese audience.” —Williams Record, Williamstown, Mass
“Talk about good things in small packages. This tender story about a meeting between the ghost of Elvis and a lonely fan feels as if it’s playing out inside your head, like a dream….” —St. Louis Post Dispatch
“In Blue Moon Over Memphis, Elvis fans who make the annual pilgrimage to their Memphis shrine are taken seriously. Brevoort finds poetry in their stories.” —Introduction to “Best American Short Plays 2003-2004”